We’ve had some incredibly hot days here lately. As Auntie Daphne, who visited us in July and graciously took these photos, likes to say about the temperature – it’s something-stupid. It really is just that. Our temps have been hovering around the century mark for what seems like weeks now. For us, the answer to […]
Even when we were first married and living in our one bedroom condo, Ken and I always grew vegetables in pots on the balcony. Tomatoes. Peppers. Cilantro. Yeah, we wanted fresh salsa. But somehow when we moved to the High Desert, we never even tried to grow anything here. The marshland quality of our soil […]
It’s been an incredibly busy July. You can tell by my lack of posts. I truly have not forgotten the blog or all the wonderful friends and family members who read it. I promise to get into a rhythm of regular updates soon. Alex and Kata started back to school on July 6th. I can’t […]
“Camping – the art of getting closer to nature while getting farther away from the nearest cold beverage, hot shower and flush toilet –Author Unknown.” We have cleverly managed to avoid actual camping for the last three years of Cub Scouts. But, you know, there’s only so far you can get with that tactic. So […]
Oh, note the panic on Bella’s face. She’d heard that there were going to be fireworks at the rodeo. Yes, feel free to acknowledge the fact that there’s plenty of daylight left. And don’t forget to conclude that she is just like her Mama. Be prepared is our shared motto. Never too early to be […]