Bella’s been having a tough time at ballet class, lately. Sometime a few months ago, she decided to experience separation anxiety. Suddenly, there was a lot of crying even when Ken or I were there inside the room watching her. Her wonderful ballet instructor, the saintly Ms. Diane, reassured us that this was just part […]
A pause to get all braggy about one of the kids. I know and you, yourself are pausing to think – what again? Alex had a wonderful year in Fourth Grade. He has grown so much this year both physically and mentally. And in the last week of school, he received the Student of the […]
We’ve been so busy with School Year Ending activities that I haven’t had a chance to blog. So I thought I’d go back a few days, okay, two weeks, and talk about my birthday. Now,most of you know that I like the Blessed Event to pass without much notice. And my darling husband knows this […]
Last Saturday was Sunflower Preschool’s annual Mother’s Day Tea. This was my third one but my first with Bella. The best part was that it was just the two of us. The school asks you kindly to not bring siblings, but grandmothers, aunties and godmothers are all welcome. You can imagine the sea of pretty […]
When I look at these pictures, I am at a complete and utter loss for words. Our oldest daughter is going to be a Kindergarten Graduate. I know it’s the first true step in her academic path. But I cannot believe that we are already witnessing it. It seems like just the other day, I […]
We kept hearing wailing police sirens this morning. And I truly didn’t want to know what could be disturbing the peace of our little suburban sprawl neighborhood. But, literally just down the street from us, why not even a mile down the road, a 300-lb black bear was wandering looking for food. Here’s the news […]
There comes a time when all girls with straight hair want curls. And vice-versa, I suppose. For our family it’s all about getting that straight hair curly. Kata was very patient. I rolled the curlers with the collective experience of my grandmother and mother before me. My hands well versed in the movements. I mean […]