Wednesday, June 11th 2008

All Things One Moo At A Time.

We love when happy things just trickle in…and today…the big brown truck stopped by our house one more time…and what did it drop off?? Why one more birthday present for Bella! Many thanks to Auntie Daphne for the beautiful black and white ballerina cow…it’s so perfect. Bella loves purple (as does her Auntie Daphne) and […]

posted in: Family, People We Love

Tuesday, June 10th 2008

All Things Good Things Come.

Yesterday’s lesson learned – good things come in packages and also when you wait. Baka’s and Djedo’s birthday present for Bella arrived yesterday…well, they did also put something in her card which arrived on Friday…but for Bella, it’s all about…”MY black and white cow!!!”…which she quickly named “Moo” because Kata read the attached tag to […]

posted in: Balance, Things We Do

Sunday, June 8th 2008

All Things Picture Day.

Phew. We just finished Picture Day at Kata’s Ballet Studio. Not wanting to be late, we arrived 15 minutes early only to wait 45 minutes because they were running behind. And then it took them another hour and a half to take the picture of the little mice. Oh my. Kata was all made up. […]

posted in: Balance, Things We Do

Saturday, June 7th 2008

All Things Don’t Have A Cow.

So after a morning of donning on our birthday tutus and military hat (thanks Uncle Rick!), off we went in search of farms and cows…to Fallon…which is exactly 1 hour and 22 minutes away from our house…due East. We counted Wal-Mart trucks (5), FedEx trucks (3), UPS trucks (1) and USPS trucks (1) and unfortunately […]

posted in: Family, Milestones, Places We Go

Friday, June 6th 2008

Al Things Pizza, Party and Papas.

Kata’s last day at Sunflower Preschool was also the Pizza Party for Daddies (i.e. their Father’s Day celebration)…and as I dropped her off the front yard of the school was crowded with well dressed dads, grandfathers and uncles…all waiting anxiously for the performance. Much like Mother’s Day Tea, Ms. Juanita, the storyteller, came and according […]

posted in: Family, Holidays, Milestones

Wednesday, June 4th 2008

All Things Holy Cow.

A conversation between Bella and her Mama- “Bella, what would you like for your birthday?” A cow. “What kind of cow?” A black and white one. “Where can I find a cow like that?” At the farm. —————————————————————- This conversation has been going on for the last month. I figured with a few days left […]

posted in: Family, Milestones

Sunday, June 1st 2008

All Things Children’s Hour.

Almost summer…and there’s still snow in them thar hills…beautiful…very late in the afternoon, we went off to Callaghan Park, where its incredibly shady…”thanks to all the conifers” as Kata would add…yes, she knows the word from a They Must Be Giants Playhouse Disney song…yup, everywhere you look, conifers…. The moment we got to the park, […]

posted in: Balance, Things We Do