Friday, December 14th 2007

All Things Bling Bling.

As promised…I made 15 of these for someone who insisted she *had* to have them for Christmas presents…I don’t think I’ll be competing with other established jewelry designers…it took me three days to complete all of them in between all of other running around and general chaos…but I think they came out decently… The best […]

posted in: Family, Things We Do

Wednesday, December 12th 2007

All Things Status Quo

It’s been the same ol’ same ol’…only more intense as the Countdown to Christmas has begun…with every turn of the Advent Calendar…our activities become more of a blur…but there’s still snow on the ground, school’s in session and plenty of ballet, swimming, Scouts left to do before the winter break starts…and I’ve been beading…I promise […]

posted in: Family, Things We Do

Friday, December 7th 2007

Alll Things White and Wet.

snow n. Frozen precipitation in the form of white or translucent hexagonal ice crystals that fall in soft, white flakes. snow n. (Alex’s interpretation) something dogs and kids love and parents think is a pain they need to get through. Well, it finally came…the first measurable snowfall of the year…a good 4-inches…complete with a one-hour […]

posted in: Family, Things We Do

Wednesday, December 5th 2007

All Things Bright and Beautiful.

Time to decorate with the ever growing collection of Disney-themed ornaments…phew…what an effort…thank goodness Baka and Djedo were here to help us corral the kiddies and Becksie. The latter has been ignoring the tree for the most part…a sniff here and there…but Becks is a smart doggie…he knows nothing on there is edible so he […]

posted in: Family, Holidays

Saturday, December 1st 2007

Bears and Wolves and Elves, oh my!

Last Wednesday, we went to the Cal vs. UNR game…the kids and I wore our Cal shirts proudly…underneath those, brrr, winter coats! Luckily, we sat with a bunch of Cal fans so I wasn’t the only cheering loudly…Alex, slightly embarrased to be “for the other team” asked if we could see Cal at Haas Pavilion…”So […]

posted in: Balance, Places We Go