Beckham has gotten into the bad habit of grabbing Bella’s binky…and he just loves it…can’t get it away from him…sigh…one way to get rid of the 10,007 binkies we have lying around…don’t want Belly to be resentful towards Becks…remember how we made Alex throw away his binkies when they went “bad” (amazing what a little […]
“Saturday in the park I think it was the Fourth of July People dancing, people laughing, A man selling ice cream….” Okay, it was Sunday…but I have that Oldies but Goodies theme going with the titles…I grant you, this one’s a stretch…in between turning pages of the latest Harry Potter (80 more to go…and I […]
They say “third times the charm…”…well, Alex is soooo super-duper lucky…he has all his guy friends in his class, can you believe it? We can’t! Yup, they are all there. And nope, there’s no picture of them…we were in a frenzied run to get to school on time with the five us freshly pressed and […]
Summer does have an end…unfortunately…and ours ends on July 9th when Alex goes back to school and starts (yikes) Third Grade. It’s a Love-Hate Thing I have with this Year Round, Multi-Track School Calendar. But in the mean time, our What We Did on Summer Vacation List is almost done – Basketball Camp was a […]